DRB DOCKET 2012-055
TIS 0 yrs, 0 months, 18 days
Policy Implications __| None
The applicant was discharged with Adjustment Disorder after just 18 days at boot camp. The applicant claimed
to have back trouble at Recruit Training, so after the medical treatment, the staff allowed the applicant to
contact their spouse. At that time, the applicant learned of spouse being involved in a car accident. This stressor
caused the applicant to meet with a psychiatrist on Base where the concerns and desire to return home arose.
Shortly after, the applicant’s wishes were granted by way of a discharge from the service.
Members separated within the first 180 days of service normally receive an ‘Uncharacterized’ discharge. The
Narrative Reason of an entry level separation is accurate. An uncharacterized character of service is not
. derogatory in nature and is the prescribed character for individuals who were separated while at initial
accession training and there was no associated conduct to warrant a less desirable character of service.
The applicant has not substantiated any error or inequity.
Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: No relief.
CG | DRB | 2012 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2012 087
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2012-087 NAME CURRENT DD-214 Uncharacterized, , JGA, Entry Level Performance and Conduct, RE3L RELIEF REQUESTED | Honorable RELIEF GRANTED None BY DRB ADMIN None CORRECTIONS TIS 0 yrs, 0 months, 18 days Policy Implications _| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged while at recruit training with an Entry Level Separation. With only 18 days of service and one medical evaluation at recruit training, there is not enough evidence to support a...
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 029
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2013-029 NAME CURRENT DD-214 Uncharacterized, COMDTINST M1000.6A, ART 12.B.20, JGA, Entry Level Separation, RE3L BY DRB CORRECTIONS / 7 _ TIS Policy Implications O yrs, 0 months, 18 days None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged with an entry level separation due to the inability to adapt during the first 180 days of service. The applicant claims that have had a moment of weakness during the 18 days while at boot camp. In the application,...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 053
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-053 TIS 0 yrs, 0 months, 25 days Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Entry Level Performance And Conduct. After arriving at boot camp, the applicant was unable to meet the training requirements set forth by Training Center Cape May. Any entry level separation with under 180 days of service will result in a Uncharacterized ‘character of service.
CG | DRB | 2012 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2012 085
Based upon the applicant’s account, the discharge was due to the inability to handle stress in recruit training while being a newlywed. An RE3 reentry code is neither a permanent bar from, nor affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor. No relief.
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 024
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2013-024 Narrative Reason: Entry Level Separation SPD code: JGA; RE code: RE3L; Separation Authority: 12.B.20 | TIS O yrs, O months, 11 days Policy Implications __| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged with Adjustment Disorder after just 11 days at boot camp. Members separated within the first 180 days of service normally receive an ‘Uncharacterized’ discharge. The Board recommends an entry level separation due to the inability to...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 028
The applicant was issued an entry level separation due to the inability to adapt during the first 180 days of service. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. An RE3 reentry code is not an affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor.
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 079
The applicant claimed to be quickly separated from the forming company due to a medically disqualifying condition. Thereafter, the applicant claims to be mistakenly categorized as ‘Refusing to Train’. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 052
After arriving at boot camp, the applicant was unable to meet the training requirements set forth by Training Center Cape May in the first week. The standard correspondence was presented to the applicant (when they are being processed for separation) for a lack of meeting the minimum training requirements. Any entry level separation with under 180 days of service will result in a Uncharacterized ‘character of service on their DDForm 214.
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 030
6A, ART [2.B.20, JGA, Entry Level Separation, RE3L BY DRB CORRECTIONS | TIS | O yrs, 1 month, 22 days | Policy Implications _| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged with an entry level separation due to the inability to adapt during the first 180 days of service. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The RE3L in this case identifies that the applicant was an Entry Level Separation that must have a waiver to reenlist.
CG | DRB | 2012 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2012 069
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2012-069 TIS Policy Implications 1 month, 2 days None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged on late 2005 with an Uncharacterized discharge. For entry level separations at Cape May, an uncharacterized character of service is not derogatory in nature and is the prescribed character for individuals who were separated while at initial accession training with no associated conduct to warrant a less desirable character of service. Within the...